Sunday, December 7, 2014

Health and wellbeingThe ObserverYou can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he (Edzard Ernst) says, you’d likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” he says. “There is no known way – certainly not through detox treatments – to make something that works perfectly well in a healthy body work better.”
Much of the sales patter revolves around “toxins”: poisonous substances that you ingest or inhale. But it’s not clear exactly what these toxins are. If they were named they could be measured before and after treatment to test effectiveness. 

Note: Edzard Ernst is an emeritus professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University.

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