Monday, December 8, 2014

So what foods and drink are good for the skin?

So what foods and drink are good for the skin?

For starters, fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of them, which contain vital phytonutrients that are not found in pills, flavored waters or energy bars.

Raw nuts, like almonds and walnuts. Extra-virgin olive oil. Lean protein. Water – plain. Fresh green tea, with a squirt of lemon. People who eat all these things, drink plenty of water and stay away from sugar and dairy notice an improvement in their skin tone  in just a couple of weeks.

Bottom line: Don’t fall for fancy waters and foods that promise to repair your skin.  Spend your money at the supermarket or your local farmers’ market instead. Believe me, your skin will thank you.

Info source ---> Your Skin Reflects What You Eat <<Healthy Skin>>

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