Sunday, December 18, 2016

Curcumin has potential therapeutic value for treating PD (Parkinson's disease) cell model other neurodegenerative disorders

Curcumin has potential therapeutic value for treating PD (Parkinson's disease) cell model other neurodegenerative disorders


Curcumin reduces alpha-synuclein induced cytotoxicity in Parkinson's disease cell model.



Here we show that curcumin can alleviate alphaS-induced toxicity, reduce ROS levels and protect cells against apoptosis. We also show that both intracellular overexpression of alphaS and extracellular addition of oligomeric alphaS increase ROS which induces apoptosis, suggesting that aggregated alphaS may induce similar toxic effects whether it is generated intra- or extracellulary.


Since curcumin is a natural food pigment that can cross the blood brain barrier and has widespread medicinal uses, it has potential therapeutic value for treating PD and other neurodegenerative disorders."


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