Wednesday, March 1, 2017

ADD Vitamin D to food to prevent colds and flu, say researchers

ADD TO itamin D to food to prevent colds and flu,  say researchers


Analysis by Bazian. Edited by NHS Choices. Follow NHS Choices on Twitter. Join the Healthy Evidence forum.

A review of existing data estimates that supplementing food with vitamin D would prevent millions of cold and flu cases, and possibly save lives.

Researchers looked at data from 25 previous studies where vitamin D was compared with a placebo.

The studies explored the effect of vitamin D in preventing acute respiratory tract infections. These are infections of the body's airways, such as colds, flubronchitis and pneumonia. More than 10,000 people were involved in total.
Their analysis suggests daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation was useful in preventing respiratory tract infections. Perhaps unsurprisingly, supplementation was particularly beneficial for people who had very low levels of vitamin D.

The researchers concluded that these results add to the body of evidence that fortifying widely eaten foods with vitamin D would improve public health.

But this opinion is not shared by all experts in the UK. Professor Louis Levy, head of nutrition science at Public Health England (PHE), said: "The evidence on vitamin D and infection is inconsistent, and this study does not provide sufficient evidence to support recommending vitamin D for reducing the risk of respiratory tract infections."

As this debate is ongoing, it would seem sensible to stick to the relatively new guidelines about vitamin D – that is, everyone should consider taking supplements during the winter months.

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