Monday, March 27, 2017

A patient's testimony: Health supplements can heal gum disease

The following is from the comments column of



by Karen Mar 16, 2013 Permalink 

I have never believed that nutrients would have any affect on gums because that is what I have read. 

However, experience has proven otherwise. I have severely receded gums from years of braces, oral surgery and probably hereditary (no gum disease). 

I also had large gaps between my teeth because of the receding gums which looked very unattractive. I was going to get veneers to try and hide them even though my teeth are fine. 

Fortunately I delayed the appointment for 3 months because I became very ill. 

During that period, I took a lot of vitamins & supplements (tumeric, krill, vitamins B, D & some others). I normally eat a fairly healthy diet. 

A few days ago I was shocked when I noticed that the gaps are gone and the gum has grown considerably. 

I am amazed because I thought that once gum is damaged, it cannot grow back again, but my gums have improved dramatically.

Just wait till I show my dentist.



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