Sunday, April 2, 2017

8 B Vitamins

Vitamin B1thiamine
coenzyme in the catabolism of sugars and amino acids.

Vitamin Briboflavin

precursor of cofactors called FAD and FMN, which are needed for flavoprotein enzyme reactions, including activation of other vitamins.

Vitamin Bniacin (nicotinic acid), nicotinamide ribosideprecursor of coenzymes called NAD and NADP, which are needed in many metabolic processes.

Vitamin Bpantothenic acidprecursor of coenzyme A and therefore needed to metabolize many molecules.

Vitamin B6 pyridoxinepyridoxalpyridoxaminecoenzyme in many enzymatic reactions in metabolism.

Vitamin B7 biotincoenzyme for carboxylase enzymes, needed for synthesis of fatty acids and in gluconeogenesis.
Vitamin B9
folic acidprecursor needed to make, repair, and methylate DNA; a cofactor in various reactions; especially important in aiding rapid cell division and growth, such as in infancy and pregnancy.

Vitamin B12 various cobalamins; commonly cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin in vitamin supplements

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