Sunday, April 30, 2017

Whey: The New CR (Calorie Restriction) Powerhouse

The following is adapted from the above web link.

Whey: The New CR Powerhouse

**Although whey is often viewed simply as a protein source, emerging evidence indicates that the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and other fractions found in whey act as a calorie restriction-mimetic.

**Studies on middle-aged animals demonstrate that supplementing with the branched chain amino acids and other components in whey increase median life span by up to the equivalent of 9.6years in human terms!

**This effect is modulated along typical CR pathways—boosting mitochondrial biogenesis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) defense, cell signaling, and expression of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)—the mammalian longevity gene CR.

**Whey constituents increase median, but not maximum, life span—indicating disease prevention at work. And whey’s protection against age-related diseases has been separately confirmed.

**Whey offers an ideal supplement to secure calorie restriction’s life extension benefits—without the rigors of a low calorie regime.

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