Friday, May 5, 2017

Replenish Nutrients and Neurotransmitters for Dysautonomia - Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction

Replenish Nutrients and Neurotransmitters

People with dysautonomia typically have a long list of nutritional deficiencies they are unaware of.

Adequate levels of vitamin c, zinc, pantethine, folic acid, b12, b1, b2, b3, pyridoxal 5 phosphate, as well as a variety of amino acids, fatty acids and minerals are essential for a healthy nervous system and neurotransmitter production and function.

Furthermore, lack of adequate nutrients is perceived by the body as stress and will perpetuate the whole fight or flight system.

An Organic Acids test is a good place to start for identifying nutritional deficiencies. 

As we mentioned above, neurotransmitters are key for keeping the autonomic nervous system in balance, and every suggestion that is made on this page will also help with neurotransmitters, but sometimes specific amino acid supplementation and their respective co-factors are needed to replenish them. 

Methylation may be impaired because of nutritional deficiencies, which can keep one stuck in the stress response system as well, and there are genetic factors that can affect methylation.

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