Monday, May 15, 2017

If you are not taking any supplements at the moment and you feel pretty healthy - should you still take supplements?

[Question by CBSnews 2010-05-08]:
If you are not taking any supplements at the moment and you feel pretty healthy, should you still take supplements?

[Answer by Dr Daniel Amen who's the author of the current best-seller, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body."]:

I recommend three things for my patients: A good multivitamin, because 91 percent of Americans do not have the minimum requirement of five servings of fruit and vegetables per day -- the minimum requirement to get the nutrition you need. I recommend all of my patients take Omega 3 fatty acid supplements because, when those levels are low , people are vulnerable to dementia, depression, even suicide. Taking Omega threes has been found to be good for your heart, skin, eyes, joints , hair and brain. And everyone should get their Vitamin D level checked.

In the last five years, there has been a lot of information that has suggested that two-thirds of Americans are low in Vitamin D. And when you are low in Vitamin D, you are hungry all the time and you are at risk for cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and heart attack.

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