Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Experience sharing on using of Bisacodyl to solve constipation problem.

Constipation healed!


TTL took One tablet of 5mg Unilax brand Bisacodyl was at 2120 HR on  2017-05-30. Reason: Stool stuck at exit.


TTL took One tablet of 5mg Unilax brand Bisacodyl at 0138HR on  2017-05-31. Reason: Stool still stuck at exit.


TTL passed motion at 9.30 am 2017-05-31. The hard stool at exit was pushed out. And 6 more hard pieces. So the 2 tablets of Bisacodyl were effective!


TTL passed motion at 1.00 pm 2017-05-31. 4 pieces.

So the 2 tablets of Bisacodyl were effective!


TTL passed motion at 3.05 pm on 2017-05-31. Big quantity. Liquid form. Soiled her all night pant. Most probably due to the effect of Bisacodyl.

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