Monday, June 5, 2017

Supper dietary supplement and 5 health threats

So they (NOTE: Researchers at the Department of Biology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) decided that their ‘Super Supplement’ would include ingredients that had been scientifically documented as effective in counteracting the five underlying processes of ageing and the deterioration in health and mental facility usually associated with growing older.

The 5 health threats

Threat 1: Oxidative stress

This is the damage to cells and DNA that is done by oxidation by excess free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms produced in the body in the presence of oxygen or as a result of external pollutants. Oxidative damage is a trigger for cancer.

Solution: Anti-oxidants like Omega 3, curcumin, the polyphenols in green tea and grapeseed, lutein, vitamin C and E, the co-factors zinc and magnesium are among nutrients that can reduce this threat.

Threat 2: Inflammation

The latest research shows that inflammation builds up in body tissues and brain cells over time and is a key cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Inflammation also creates a negative internal environment which encourages the spread of cancer.

Solution: Anti-inflammatories like Omega 3 fish oil, curcumin, and green tea polyphenols are amongst effective nutrients. (Anti-oxidant nutrients often have parallel anti-inflammatory effects.)

Threat 3: Cell membrane malfunction

The body creates millions of new cells every day and unless there is a supply of high quality nutrients in your diet – including anti-oxidant fatty acids – cells can fail to function properly.

Solution: A range of vitamins, minerals like zinc and selenium, and the nutrients lycopene, beta carotene and Omega 3 fish oil have been shown to reduce this threat.

Threat 4: Insulin Resistance

This is where the body’s tissues develop a lower level of response to insulin. The result is that glucose (sugar) in the blood builds up to a dangerous level. This leads to what is termed ‘glycation’ – effectively cells become ‘sugar coated’ and fail to function properly. Diabetes can develop and that in turn increases the risk of vision loss, circulatory problems and dementia.

Solution: Reducing carbohydrate intake, losing weight if needed and increased intake of Omega 3 fish oil, CoQ10, chromium, magnesium and the amino-acid alpha-lipoic acid have all been shown to help reduce this threat.

Threat 5: Deterioration in mitochondrial function

Almost every one of your trillions of cells contains mitochondria – often called tiny ‘energy power-plants’. Their role is to extract energy from food. But their function deteriorates over time without extra nutritional help – which is why older people often complain of getting tired.

Solution: Research shows you can help prevent mitochondrial damage with anti-oxidants and supplementing with CoQ10 because your body’s inbuilt ability to produce CoQ10 diminishes over time.

In summary, age-related decline and illness is ‘multifactorial’, so prevention by lifestyle and nutritional supplementation must equally be multi-factorial or multi-ingredient.

Specifically the McMaster’s team reasoned that if you could prevent or reduce the risk of all 5 threats, the result should be a healthy brain, a healthy body and a longer life.

But to achieve that, it was necessary to include not just vitamins and minerals but a combination of nutrients that essentially reproduced the key elements of an ideal diet. They described this combination as an MDS – a Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplement. The press have called it a ‘Super Supplement’.

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