Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Very low blood pressure -- What a blood pressure reading of 70/40 means


What a blood pressure reading of 70/40 means?

Readings below 80/60 usually indicate severely low blood pressure, which may have an underlying cause that could indicate a new, serious heart problem or infection. Very low blood pressure can also be caused by an endocrine or neurological condition. However, some people have very low blood pressure but feel fine and are otherwise healthy. Certain medications and nutritional deficiencies can worsen low blood pressure.

What to do if your blood pressure reading is 70/40

Recheck the blood pressure. Don't make a decision based on a single blood pressure reading.

If you're feeling any unusual symptoms or otherwise feel unwell, consider calling 911, especially if the very low blood pressure is new for you.

If you're on medications for blood pressure or for any other condition, they probably should be adjusted.

If you feel fine, consult your doctor and undergo tests to investigate whether there's an underlying cause that requires treatment

Notes from the geriatrician on the care of those ages 80 and over:

This level of blood pressure can be very concerning in an older adult. If it's new, it can signal a problem such as dehydration, infection, or internal bleeding. Low blood pressure like this can also be due to taking too much hypertension medication, or it can be a side effect of a medication prescribed for another reason.

This range of blood pressure also puts older people at risk for dizziness and falls, since blood flow to the brain tends to drop right after an older person stands up.

Don't delay in contacting a doctor regarding low blood pressure -- especially if the older person has a dementia such as Alzheimer's disease or is otherwise not able to clearly describe how he or she is feeling.

On the other hand, some diseases (such as Parkinson's disease) do cause chronic low blood pressure in older adults.


Systolic (the first number) is the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats; it measures how hard the heart muscle is working to pump blood throughout the body.

Diastolic (the second number) is the pressure of the blood against the blood vessel walls between heartbeats when the heart is relaxed.


BP = Blood Pressure

SP = Systolic Pressure

DP = Diastolic Pressure

5 Surprising Signs of an Unhealthy Heart >>

Sources Leslie Kernisan, MD Caring.com Senior Medical Editor

Robert Ostfeld, MD, M.Sc., FACC Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Montefiore Medical Center

Carolyn Strimike, RN, MSN Cardiac Nurse-Practitioner at Women's Heart Center at St. Joseph's Medical Center Phoenix, Arizona Cofounder, HeartsStrong, a website for education about heart health Author: Take Charge: A Man's Road Map to a Healthy Heart

What Does My Blood Pressure Reading Mean? Readings Near 70/40:














































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