Saturday, October 21, 2017

施一公:生命科学认知的极限.The Collapsed physical world, Life science cognitive limit.

ichu peng(彭易秋)StPaul Investment is a VC firm that helps build infrastructure & develop platforms in digital courses and healthcare

施一公:生命科学认知的极限.The Collapsed physical world, Life science cognitive limit.

October 7, 2017 • 0 Likes • 0 Comments




来源:施一公 选自《生命科学认知的极限》的演讲

































加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB)著名的理论和实验物理学家Matthew  Fisher就笃信,人的意识、记忆和思维是量子纠缠的,要用量子理论来解释。那怎么证明呢?



比如把磷和钙放在一起,也就是磷酸钙,当磷酸钙以波斯纳分子集群(Posner molecule or cluster)形式存在的时候,它的量子纠缠时间可以长达105秒!













随着量子卫星上天,有关量子的事科普一下: 当代科技最前沿发现了什么?竟然颠覆人类世界观!




































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Now we find that the material we know is only 5% of the universe. There is no contact with the two quantum, can be like God in the event of entanglement. The consciousness into the molecule, the quantum state to analyze, consciousness is actually a substance .. my cognition once again collapsed, the world may not exist ... ... quantum entanglement of conduction speed, at least 4 times the speed of light. Disrupting the philosophical world

We originally thought that the world was material, no God, no specific function, consciousness and material existence is another kind of existence. The

The world is so unknown that human beings are so ignorant that we have something that must be difficult to understand? Understand these, is to a more profound understanding of the world. We have to understand the future, but also see themselves!

Source: Shi Yigong 's speech from "The Limit of Life Science Cognition"

1, the nature of life and the limits of life

Let's see where people come from.

The whole process of birth is like this: a sperm in the egg surface kept wandering, looking for an entrance, find the right place later, will secrete some enzymes, and then drill into.

The egg is very clever, generally do not let the second sperm again chance, so a sperm came in, immediately sealed the entrance.

After the sperm came in, it was degraded, and then the nucleus of the sperm and the nucleus of the egg were combined to form a diploid. The fertilized egg began to develop and gradually split into two cells, divided into four cells, eight cells, six cells, When the fertilized eggs are still wandering outside the womb, not implanted. Continue to split down to form 64 cells, 128 cells, then it is about to find the implanted place. After implantation, continue to develop.

You may know or may not know, just four weeks, the fetus began to heartbeat. Slowly, the neural tube formed, the spine formed, the limbs began to develop, through the cell apoptosis, began to form a finger. To four or five months when the fetus began to play in the mother's stomach.

Before birth, the fetal brain development is very fast, a variety of synapses quickly formed. But do not forget that such a fresh life comes from a fertilized egg.

After the start of life, the course of life is very long, there are a lot of distress. I remember that I had seen a poem to say this:

0-year-old debut,

10 years old thrive,

20 years old for anxious,

30 years old desperately hit,

40 years old basic orientation,

50 years old looking back,

60 years old to return home,

70-year-old rub mahjong,

80 years old sun drying,

90 years old lying in bed,

100 years old hanging on the wall.

We use our facial features, that is, visual, smell, hearing, taste, touch to understand the world. This process is not objective, it is certainly not objective. Our facial features after the world, the information all concentrated to the brain, but we do not know how the brain is working, so in this regard can not be called objective.

What is our people? Think about how people are dealing with information? Let's start by making a definition of information and material.

We have three levels of material:

The first material is macroscopic, that is, we can perceive, intuition can see things, such as people is a material, the house is a material, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City are material.

The second level is microscopic, including what the eye can not see is also called microscopic, we can use the instrument to perceive, measured, intuitively think that it exists, such as atoms, molecules, proteins, such as very far Billions of light years outside the planet.

The third level is the ultramicro material. For this class, we can only speculate, experimentally validate, but never know what it is, including quantum, including photons. Although knowing that the particles can have spin and energy levels, energy, but we really hard to understand by intuition, which is the ultra-microscopic world.

But nevertheless, we still have to think about it, this world is the ultra-microscopic world to determine the microscopic world, the microscopic world determines the macro world.

What is our people? Man is an individual in the macro world, so our essence must be determined by the microscopic world, and then by the ultra-microscopic world decision. I have no doubt that I am a Schrodinger equation, a form of life, an energy form, but do not know how to solve this equation, do not know how thinking is generated, nothing more. I believe that you should also believe that each of us is not only a pile of atoms, but a pile of particles.

So, we really are a pile of atoms composed of particles, so simple. How many atoms do we have? There are about 6 × 10 ^ 27 atoms, forming about 60 different elements, but the real more elements, but the area 11 species. The atoms form molecules through covalent bonds, molecules together to form molecular aggregates, and then form small organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and finally form a whole.

But you will feel that no matter how you do research, can not explain the human consciousness, which goes beyond what we can say and can perceive the level. I think to explain the consciousness, must be beyond the first two levels, to the level of quantum mechanics to study. I think it is like this.

Is quantum entanglement an evolutionary phenomenon?

I want to talk about the quantum entanglement. In 1935, when Einstein and Podolsky and Rosen put together the famous EPR paradox, the quantum entanglement was raised. In fact, the word "quantum entanglement" is not Einstein put forward, but Schrodinger put forward, then it seems very incredible.

Quantum entanglement means that two entangled quantum no matter how far apart, they are not independent events. When you measure a quantum, another very far away from the quantum can actually be known to its state, can be associated with the measurement, it is incredible. But since a simple phenomenon exists in the objective world, I believe it will be everywhere, including in our body.

Matthew Fisher, a well-known theoretical and experimental physicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), believes that human consciousness, memory, and thinking are quantum entanglement, and are explained by quantum theory. How does that prove?

He said that I must prove in kind, to find quantum entangled entities. Many scientists have looked for a long time to find that the microtubules inside the nerve cells can form quantum entanglement, but the time scale of the microtubules is 10 ^ (- 20) seconds to 10 ^ (- 13) seconds, much smaller than the memory The formation of consciousness. But he through the practice of the theory to find a way to simulate, he is conducting experimental verification.

The Limit of Life Science Cognition

For example, put phosphorus and calcium together, that is, calcium phosphate, when the calcium phosphate to Posner molecule cluster (Posner molecule or cluster) form of time, its quantum entanglement time can be up to 105 seconds!

Can increase the duration of such an extremely fragile quantum entanglement, which is extremely sensitive to sound, light, electricity, and heat, by 15 orders of magnitude, and if it is increased by five orders of magnitude, it can reach the level of the year, To preserve quantum entanglement. So and so on, you do not feel that one day we humans will find quantum entanglement is also an evolutionary phenomenon, it can save a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years. That is, quantum entanglement, which existed in ancient times, was preserved in the evolutionary process.

I would like to ask you four questions:

The first question, do you believe that there is a sixth senses? Many people will say no.

The second question, is it possible, two people will communicate in an unknown way? You may say that may not be as sure as the first question that do not believe.

The third question is whether quantum entanglement exists in the human cognitive world and exists in the brain? I believe that listening to my lecture, you will find it possible.

The fourth question, quantum entanglement is not applicable to the material on the earth? You will certainly say that apply, because we have proved.

Simply speaking, these four questions are exactly the same problem, push back to show that there must be a sixth sensory, but we can not feel, so called "sixth senses."

So what are we people? We are just coming from a cell, that is, fertilized eggs, all fertilized eggs in 3.5 billion years ago, all from the same cell, the same mass of material, a complex quantum entanglement system ,It's that simple.

Actually I do not know what's inside, but I believe it. I breathe once every 10 kilograms of oxygen into my body, into the covalent structure. This breath is at least 10 ^ 4 times more oxygen atoms, is in a very distant corner of the world, I have not seen people breathe at least once, which will be done in a month, people a lifetime Has been doing so. While two people in a room when the day can have 63 grams of oxygen in each other's lungs which exchange.

Science development to today, we see the world is like the blind like the same, we see the world is tangible, we think it is an objective world. In fact, we know the quality of the material in the universe only 4%, the remaining 96% of the material in the form of what we do not know, we call it dark matter and dark energy.

So the blind man feels like the world is science? Must be science. Everyone touched the real existence, and are objective existence, are tangible, and we are now so But we do not know the touch is like the back, or the tail, or ears. I think the human cognitive limit is that we are a pile of atoms, we are in the macro world, but we hope that across the world to see the ultra-microscopic world. It is one of the most beautiful, very wonderful world.

2, the world there are many things we do not know?

With the quantum satellite heaven, the quantum of things about science: what is the forefront of contemporary technology found? Even to subvert the human world view!

Our world, because a few of the latest science, all messy!

One, upset the world's three scientific results

(A) dark matter

1, how to find a dark matter?

The form of the universe we knew earlier was that the planet and the planet were attracted to each other by gravity, and that you were turning around me, that I would turn around and the stars were hectic and orderly.

But later, by calculating the gravitational force between the planet and the planet, the gravitational force of the planet itself is far from enough to maintain a complete galaxy. If the galaxy, the planet is only the existing quality of the gravitational support, the universe should be a mess. The universe has been able to maintain the existing order, only because there are other substances. And this substance, so far we have not seen and found it, so called the dark matter.

2, how much dark matter?

Scientists through the calculation, to maintain the current order of the universe, the quality of dark matter, must be 5 times the material we now see.

3, have not observed dark matter?

Now there is no real measure of dark matter. Just to find the light in a place when the deflection occurs, and the region we can not see the material, there is no black hole.

4, black hole is not dark matter?

No. The black hole just does not come out of light, it sends other rays, it is still the conventional matter.

(B) dark energy

1, how to find dark energy?

Scientists observed that our current universe, not only in the constant expansion, but also in the accelerated expansion. If the uniform expansion, but also understand. But to accelerate the expansion, you need to join the new energy. What is this energy? Scientists are also confused, called the dark energy.

2, how much dark energy?

Scientists calculate the velocity of the current universe by calculating the energy conversion equation E = MC2, and the dark energy should be more than twice the sum of the existing matter and the dark matter.

3, have not found dark energy?

So far, not yet.

(3) Quantum entanglement

Modern science found that the study of matter, in the molecular, atomic, quantum and other micro-level, the accident is very large. The emergence of superconductors, nanoscale, graphene and other revolutionary materials, appear from the molecular level to cure cancer miracle. And the most amazing is - quantum entanglement.

1, what is quantum entanglement?

Scientific experiments have found that the two quantumes that do not have any relationship will appear exactly the same in different locations. Such as the two qubits that are far apart (not quantum-level far, is kilometers, light years or even farther away), there is no regular contact between one of the state changes and the other at the same time almost the same state change , And not coincidence.

2, have there been observed quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is proposed by theory and experimentally verified. Scientists have achieved an entangled state of 6-8 ions. China's scientists to achieve a 13-kilometer level of quantum entangled state of the split, send.

Second, the world upset

(A) disrupted the philosophical world

We originally thought that the world was material, no God, no specific function, consciousness and material existence is another kind of existence.

Now we find that the material we know is only 5% of the universe. There is no contact with the two quantum, can be like God in the event of entanglement. The consciousness into the molecules, the quantum state to analyze, consciousness is actually a substance.

Since there are 95% of the universe we do not know the material, that soul, ghosts can exist. Since the quantum can be entangled, then the sixth sense, specific function can also exist. At the same time, who can guarantee that in these unknown substances, there are some substances or creatures, it can through the quantum entanglement, completely completely affect our various states? So God can also exist.

(B) the physical world that collapsed

We now all the theory of physics, are based on the speed of light can not be exceeded. According to the determination, quantum entanglement of conduction velocity, at least 4 times the speed of light.

(C) the inner world of collapse.

Science and technology to today, we see the world, only 5% of the whole world. This and 1000 years ago, humans do not know the air, do not know the electric field, magnetic field, do not know the elements, that day round area compared to our unknown world even more, more difficult to imagine.

The world is so unknown that human beings are so ignorant that we have something that must be difficult to understand? Understand these, is to a more profound understanding of the world. We have to understand the future, but also see themselves!

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Written by

ichu peng(彭易秋)StPaul Investment is a VC firm that helps build infrastructure & develop platforms in digital courses and healthcare


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