Sunday, January 28, 2018

Vitamin C: sodium ascorbate over calcium ascorbate


The following is extracted from

Video -Vitamin C: Boost Your Immune System -- by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a medical doctor, the author of the book " Rising from the Dead"

(With transcripts)

Vitamin C: Boost Your Immune System - Good Whole Food

Vitamin C is a powerful immune system booster. Unfortunately most people aren't getting enough of it. We take an in depth look at Vitamin C...


(1:08:07) At this point, Humphries goes through some high leveled, good whole food sources of vitamin C, which we discuss below. Humphries says it’s hard for people to get enough vitamin C solely through diet. She says there is no way to give a set dosage for everyone. It depends on many different personal and environmental circumstances. As a general guideline though she says people should be getting 200-1000mg a day if they are healthy and stress-free (1:24:50). The amount should increase if you’re sick, stressed, pregnant, drinking, or smoking.

(1:30:30) As a supplement Humphries recommends sodium ascorbate over calcium ascorbate (unless you’re pregnant). People generally get enough or too much calcium and the sodium ascorbate enters the body quicker and works faster.


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