Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sarcopenia and treatment

One of the best ways to treat (and indeed prevent) sarcopenia is exercise. Resistance training or strength training – using exercises that increase muscle strength and endurance with weights or resistance bands – has been shown to have a positive effect on our neuromuscular system, hormone concentrations and protein synthesis.

Good nutrition also plays a role. Aim to have a varied diet, rich in fruit and vegetables and good quality protein.

According to the National Dairy Council, not all proteins are the same: “Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids, with an amino acid called leucine being one of the most effective at stimulating muscle growth.

Protein sources that are rich in leucine include lean meat, eggs and dairy. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are not only good sources of protein but also contain a matrix of other vital nutrients including calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, iodine, potassium and phosphorus,” it says.

Finally, although drugs such as testosterone and HRT may have benefits, drug therapy is not recommended for sarcopenia.

Information source:

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