Saturday, September 4, 2021

2021-09-04 Covid-19 message from

[Sent by – 4 Sep]
*Expanding Testing and Surveillance*

🧪 All are strongly encouraged to self-test regularly with ART kits even if fully vaccinated
🔹 ART kits issued to every household between 28 Aug-27 Sep 

➡️ From 1 Oct, members of public can also book self-paid fast and easy tests (FET) at 20 Quick Test Centres
🔹 Can be used to fulfil employment requirements, or for unvax person to attend mass events 

💪 *Booster Vaccination Strategy*
3rd dose recommended for:
✅ Moderately to severely immunocompromised persons
- two months after their second dose 

✅ Seniors aged 60 and above & residents of aged care facilities
- six to nine months after second dose
*These are efforts to strengthen our tools to achieve COVID resilience*

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