Wednesday, September 29, 2021

COVID-19 FAQs on ART and Home Quarantine Order (HQO) 😷* Dated 2021-09-29

[Sent by – 29 Sep 2021]

*COVID-19 FAQs on ART and Home Quarantine Order (HQO) 😷*

Tested positive on an ART or need to serve a HQO?

🔗 Visit and to get answers to commonly-asked questions:

1️⃣ What should I do if my ART is positive?
2️⃣ Should I get a PCR test if my ART is positive?
3️⃣ I’ve been informed of my QO via SMS. What should I do next? 
4️⃣ What are the serious COVID-19 symptoms I should look out for? How can I get help?
5️⃣ What if there are vulnerable persons at home, such as the pregnant or the elderly?

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