Saturday, September 25, 2021

Covid-19 Singapore: Tightening community measures to stabilise situation from 27 Sep 2021

[Sent by – 25 Sep 2021]

*Tightening community measures to stabilise situation from 27 Sep 2021*

👥Social Gatherings
🔹Max 2 pax, up to 1 gathering a day
🔹Max 2 unique visitors per household/day

🍴Dining In
🔹Hawker centres & coffee shops: max 2 pax, regardless of vax status
🔹Other F&B: max 2 pax if fully vax

🏸Sports activities 
🔹Max 2 pax per group for indoor/outdoor activities

*WFH will be default*
🔹Suspension of 10-day snap WFH regime

📖Home-based learning extended till 7 Oct for Primary and Special Education schools

*More testing centres from 25 Sep*
🧪For prompt testing on weekend
➡️By appt only, more info at

*Booster shots for 50-59 y.o.*
✅Completed full regimen at least 6 months ago
➡️From 4 Oct, SMS with unique booking link will be sent

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