Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A person with ART result is positive twice indicating he has been infected with Covid-19. He does not need to have a confirmatory polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. (Straits Time dated 2021-10-04)

Under current rules, if a person's ART result is positive twice, indicating he has been infected with Covid-19, he does not need to have a confirmatory polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

In fact, he does not even need to inform MOH that he has been infected. He just needs to stay home and repeat the ART test till it gives him a negative result, after which he may return to work and normal life.

This also means he is not part of the daily count of about 2,000 new infections that MOH has been reporting, which leads to the question: How accurate are those figures?

The above information is from the following.

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