Sunday, January 9, 2022

Advance Care Planning (ACP) 20220106

62-year-old Mdm Rahmah had cancer when she was 45. As her children were still young and she did not know who could look after them, she was terrified of what would happen if she died. Today, Mdm Rahmah is no longer fearful of death, and she wants to face the issue of end-of-life squarely.

Having experienced disagreements with her siblings on whether to have her late father resuscitated during his last moments, Mdm Rahmah wants to avoid similar conflict among her children in future. With this act of love in mind, she has completed her Advance Care Planning (ACP) so that her children will be clear on her preferences.

ACP is the process of planning for one’s current and future healthcare, enabling the individual to communicate to their loved ones and healthcare team about their healthcare preferences. The ACP will guide one’s loved ones and healthcare team to make decisions in their best interest, in the event that they are unable to make decisions or speak for themselves. ACP is particularly important for those who live alone, individuals who have a chronic illness and seniors who are approaching the end of their life. It serves to give the individual and their loved ones a peace of mind.

I am glad to learn that in the last 10 years, ACP has been on the increase, with over 27,000 lodged nationally. We can continue to do more.

More information on ACP can be found at the Agency for Integrated Care - AIC Singapore’s website (, or you can approach your healthcare provider to find out how you can do your ACP. Let us encourage our loved ones and begin to have a conversation on ACP.

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