Saturday, January 22, 2022

COVID-19 Measures to ride through Omicron wave 2022-01-22

[Sent by – 22 Jan 2022]

*Measures to ride through Omicron wave* 

😷 *Streamlined Health Protocols*
✅ Isolation for fully vax and children <12 y.o. for Protocol 1 and 2: reduced from 10 to 7 days
✅ More qualify for Protocol 2: 
🔹Those aged 5-11, regardless of vax status
🔹Protocol 1 patients who are recovering well and have improved symptoms

☑️ *Booster dose extended to 12-17 y.o.*
🔹Parent/guardian will progressively get SMS invite 
🔹From 14 Mar, considered fully vax for 270 days after last dose in primary series 
🔹Require booster to retain full vax status

🚫 *No visits to hospital wards & residential care homes from 24 Jan-20 Feb* 

➡️ VTL travellers entering SG after 24 Feb only require self-administered ART from Day 2-7 

👉 *No changes to prevailing SMMs*
- Practice social responsibility especially during the CNY period

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