Thursday, February 17, 2022

Covid-19 New Resetting measures to live with the Omicron variant. Sent by on 2022-02-17

[Sent by – 17 Feb]

*Resetting measures to live with the Omicron variant*

🩺 *More with mild symptoms and low risk to be managed under Protocol 2 from 16 Feb*

⚠️ *Self-monitoring for close contacts cut from 7 to 5 days under Protocol 3 from 18 Feb*

More info on Protocols 1-3: 

🧪 *From 18 Feb, Rostered Routine Testing only required for*
🏥 Healthcare/eldercare sectors 
🧒 Settings with children below 5
✅ Selected essential services 

😷 *5 Core SMMs from 25 Feb:*
🏠 Group size & household visitors: Up to 5 pax at any one time
😷 Mask wearing the default
↔️ Safe distancing not required in mask on settings
💻 Up to 50% employees can return to office
🏟️ Capacity limits for events with > 1000 pax and no safe distancing (from 4 Mar) 

🧳 *Simplified border measures from 22 Feb*
➡️ SHN standardised to 7 days
➡️ VTL travellers to do supervised ART within 24hrs of arrival in place of PCR test

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