Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Covid-19 Protocols update as of 2022-02-18

[Sent by Gov.sg – 22 Feb 2022]

*Health Protocols*
🗓️ As of 18 Feb 2022
1️⃣  *You are unwell*

See a doctor. If positive:
🔹 Inform close contacts
🔹 Recover at home, COVID-19 treatment facility or hospital, depending on your GP's advice 
2️⃣  *You are well, but test positive*

Inform close contacts
🔹 First 72 hours: Isolate at home. No need for MC if well 
🔹 Thereafter, take ART. End isolation when negative
🔹 Or if still positive, end isolation on:
➡️  Day 7, if fully vaccinated or aged below 12 
➡️  Day 14, if not fully vaccinated
❗ If at risk (e.g. elderly, pregnant) or feel unwell, see 1️⃣
3️⃣  *Received Health Risk Notice, or informed by infected person of exposure*

🔹 Take ART. Go out only if negative
✅  If negative after Day 5, no further test needed 
⚠️  If ART is positive, see 2️⃣

🔗  More information at covid.gov.sg

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