Tuesday, March 29, 2022

COVID-19 WhatsApp Message [Sent by Gov.sg – 29 Mar 2022]

[Sent by Gov.sg – 29 Mar]

*Easing of SMMs from 29 Mar*

✅  Group size: Max 10 pax for mask-off settings (incl. F&B dine-in)
✅  Household visitors: Max 10 pax at any one time
💼  Up to 75% of the workforce can return to office
🔹  Capacity limits for large events & settings (>1,000 pax) increased to 75%
😷  Mask wearing: optional outdoors, but required in indoor settings
↔️  1m safe distancing required for mask-off settings

🌏  *Vaccinated Travel Framework from 1 Apr*
🔹  Fully vax travellers & non-fully vax children (≤12 y.o) can enter SG quarantine-free & w/o taking designated VTL transport
🔹  Required to take pre-departure test, but no testing upon arrival 

➡️  *Expansion of Health Protocol 2 to cover those aged 12 mths to 2 y.o.*

*Exercise personal responsibility and observe SMMs as we move towards COVID-19 resilience*


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