Thursday, February 23, 2023

CDP Forum: Video call services for CDP customers to increase

Forum: Video call services for CDP customers to increase


We refer to the letter, “CDP should retain its face-to-face customer service” (Feb 16).

The Singapore Exchange (SGX) is mindful that a segment of our Central Depository (CDP) customers prefer to speak to our client relation service officers face-to-face, even as most of our customers have migrated to on-the-go and digital services over the past three years.

For those who require such support, we recently introduced video conferencing to supplement our telephone, e-mail and Internet services.

The feedback on the video conferencing service has been positive, and we plan to increase such services in the near future. If in-person service is still required thereafter, it can be pre-arranged on a case-by-case basis within scheduled time slots through our call centre.

As for our SGX Investor Portal, which is the main channel of service for customers accessing CDP services from home or on the go, we will continue to enhance its capabilities and services to cater to new and evolving needs.

Francis Loh Yeow Siong
Senior Vice-President, Head of Investor Services
Singapore Exchange

Forum: What readers are saying

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