Wednesday, May 24, 2023

ELCB and RCCB: Forum: No need to replace circuit breaker if it works

Forum: No need to replace circuit breaker if it works


We refer to Mr Teo Kok Seah’s letter on the requirement to have a residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) installed (Do present circuit breakers need to be replaced by new ones?, May 19).

To enhance electrical safety in all households, from July 1, 2023, all residential premises without a circuit breaker will be required to install an RCCB. All home owners will be given a grace period of two years, till July 1, 2025, to do so.

Home owners with an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) do not need to change it. Both the RCCB and ELCB are electrical safety devices that cut off the electricity supply immediately upon detecting leakages that may result in an electric shock.

Home owners with RCCBs or ELCBs are advised to test that their circuit breaker is in working condition using a three-step test ( This is to ensure that the circuit breaker is functional and protects all electrical circuits in the home.

If the circuit breaker is not working, home owners can engage a licensed electrical worker at to replace the circuit breaker.

Yeo Cheng Hee
Acting Director, Inspectorate Department
Energy Market Authority

Forum: What readers are saying

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