Saturday, August 26, 2023

Forum: Why my children want to live in Singapore after their overseas studies

Forum: Why my children want to live in Singapore after their overseas studies


I was relieved when both my children, aged 20 and 22, who are now in Singapore for summer holidays, announced that they will return here to work after completing their studies overseas.

Many decide to reside overseas permanently after their studies, leaving their aged parents alone. This is a social concern, with no real right or wrong conclusions. However, news of aged people dying at home uncared for is heart-wrenching.

My children cited several reasons for wanting to return. First, they appreciate the relatively efficient and affordable public healthcare system here, where they can be attended to quickly in an emergency department when they need urgent medical help. My son was running a fever of 40 deg C overseas but did not manage to see a doctor until two days later.

Second, my children appreciate that the public transport here is not prone to strikes which are disruptive.

Third, they appreciate that teachers do not go on strike in Singapore. My daughter recounted that her teacher overseas invited her to go on strike with her and had no time to mark her paper because of the “better good”.

Fourth, my children appreciate the racial harmony amid the diversity of cultures in Singapore. The respect each race accords to the other races is embedded in our culture.

Fifth, food at the hawker centres is relatively affordable, with a choice of sumptuous and healthy cuisines.

Finally, incorruptibility has largely been the foundation of the legislative, executive and judiciary systems.

My wish is that Singaporeans who decide not to come back would rethink not just the merits of returning home, but, like my children, also consider their duty of caring for their parents in their senior years.

Angela Hoe Cheng Heng

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