Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Concerns about digital banking对数码银行存顾虑

Concerns about digital banking

Google translation 

*"Is it safer for us all to buy an extra mobile phone and not download any banking apps at all?"*


By Huang Xinli

Recently, I have read several times in the newspapers about the failure of digital banking services, which once again raised some questions in me about using digital banking.

Currently, when you open an account in a local bank, the bank no longer issues physical passbooks. No matter how many bank accounts you have, they will all be displayed on the mobile banking application.

I once asked the bank clerk if I could not display all the account information, but she said no. This creates a problem. Every time we travel abroad, we inevitably carry our mobile phones with us. Isn't this just like taking all our "properties" with us? If unfortunately we are hijacked by criminals and forced to open the digital bank account on our mobile phone, the criminals can clearly see how much money we have in our account and rob it.

I don’t know if this is unfounded worry. There is an old saying that “money should not be visible to the eye.” However, banking applications on mobile phones do exactly the opposite. They do not have any flexibility and make all our money visible. This is likely to cause more serious consequences. If such an incident does occur, does the bank have any responsibilities or contingency measures?

Is it safer for us all to buy an extra mobile phone and not download any banking apps at all?


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