Sunday, October 29, 2023

Vitamin Deficiencies of Older Adults

Older Adults

Almost one-third of older people do not get enough of certain vitamins and important minerals. Often their dietary habits slip and they fail to regularly eat balanced meals. In addition, older adults are more likely to take medications that prevent the absorption of certain vitamins.

Common vitamin deficiencies in older people include the following:

Older people, particularly if they are not exposed to sunlight, may be deficient in vitamin D. Older adults should get at least 800 IU (20 mcg) of vitamin D a day. People who are obese, or who have osteoporosis, limited sun exposure, or poor nutrient absorption may need to increase their intake to as much as 2,000 IU per day.
Seniors also may have low levels of important B vitamins. Older adults with symptoms of dementia should be tested for a B12 deficiency.
Seniors need to use caution when taking vitamin supplements. Because metabolism slows with age, it takes the liver longer to remove vitamins from the body. Therefore, the effect of some vitamin supplements may be intensified in older adults. For example, a dose of vitamin A that might be harmless in a younger adult could be toxic in an older person.

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