Thursday, March 28, 2024

PMA/PMD battery catches fire very easily and the fire will serious injuries and death

🔥🔥🔥🔥 *Must share this video*. Watch the enclosed video.

*This is how fast and furious the lithium battery pack can ignite.* 

*Never take the same lift as a PMD/PMA. Just politely tell them to take the next lift by themselves if they want to get in;*

*If they insist to enter the lift with PMA/PMA, you must quickly get out and take the next lift. Don't argue with them.*

*Or take the next one if you see them already inside the lift.*  

共享 *这就是锂电池组点燃的速度和强度。永远不要和 PMD/PMA 乘坐同一部电梯* 。


*如果他们坚持推PMD/PMA进来,你赶快出去。然后乘坐下一班电梯, 不必和他们争论。*


*Remember to share this message and the video with your family, relatives, friends and children.* 

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