Saturday, April 27, 2024

Forum: Patients who want ward upgrade get financial counselling

Forum: Patients who want ward upgrade get financial counselling


We refer to the letter “Unfair to charge retroactive payments for patients who transfer to higher class wards” by Mr David Kong (April 18).

We are very sorry to hear that Mr Kong’s mother was unable to get proper rest in our high-dependency ward. As we care for sicker patients in our high-dependency wards, closer monitoring is needed using medical equipment that may emit alarms to alert care teams to attend to urgent clinical needs.

The wards also tend to be busier with different healthcare professionals checking frequently on patients, and people visiting their loved ones regularly. Even as our team attempts to maintain a peaceful and healing environment, the increased activity level in a high-dependency clinical area may contribute to the noise level, affecting the rest of some patients. We continually work to find ways to enhance the environment in our clinical areas.

Patients or their next of kin requesting an upgrade of ward accommodation will first receive financial counselling. Charges for services, tests and investigations that patients received in the previous ward accommodation will also be revised accordingly to the revised ward type, from the day of admission. The ward fees for their initial stay, however, remain unchanged up till the upgrade. They will also have to top up the deposit, if required. This is a standard practice across all public healthcare institutions.

We thank Mr Kong for the opportunity to explain things and are happy to continue the engagement should there be further queries. We wish his mother a speedy recovery.

Ang Kwok Ann
Chief Financial Officer
Singapore General Hospital

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