Saturday, April 27, 2024

Forum: Retroactive charges for ward upgrades discourage patients from getting subsidised treatment first

Forum: Retroactive charges for ward upgrades discourage patients from getting subsidised treatment first


In their letters, Mr David Kong and Dr Leong Horn Kee said it was unfair that when a patient, in the course of a treatment, decides to upgrade to a higher or non-subsidised ward, he will be retroactively charged more for previous treatments (Unfair to charge retroactive payments for patients who transfer to higher class wards, April 18; and Illogical to charge highest room rate for earlier stay when patients transfer to higher ward, April 22).

The current policy is to discourage the behaviour where patients would select lower ward classes to enjoy higher subsidies for more costly treatments, such as surgery, and then upgrade to higher ward classes once these treatments have been completed.

Many of these patients are not lower-income patients and they could have chosen higher ward class services from the outset.

It is important to ensure that our subsidy dollars are targeted at where they are needed most.

If there are medical reasons why a patient may need to be isolated from other patients after surgery, our public hospitals will provide the necessary facilities subsidised at the patient’s chosen ward class.

Patients are also counselled on the financial implications before upgrading their ward class, so they can decide whether they want to go ahead with the ward change.

Lee Yi Min
Director (Subsidy and Subvention)
Healthcare Finance Group
Ministry of Health

Forum: What readers are saying

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