Thursday, April 4, 2024

Water: One glass of water, not one sip. Going to toilet often better than getting stroke.


*One glass of water, not one sip. Going to toilet often better than getting stroke.*

Khoo Boo Yeang: Written by a stroke patient …..

3 years ago I was very fit & healthy — exercising, cycling, hiking. Then I HAD A STROKE !

One day, when I stood up, my surroundings felt like swaying & my hands & feet felt tingling. I spent 4 days at ICCU & 15 days in a hospital room.

The diagnosis results — high blood pressure, thick blood, ruptured blood vessels in the right brain.

When I got out of hospital, every day I took endless medicine & worst of all I was in a wheelchair.

I thought, why do I have a stroke when I do regular exercise, don’t smoke or take alcohol?

I found out the real cause was, long thirst ... lack of water ...!

So here I want to remind everyone:
Remember to always drink water so that the body does not lack water! Everyone needs to drink plenty of water:

Weight 1 kg = 30 cc of water
Weight 60kg = 60x30
= 1800cc (at least)

There are people who say drinking a lot of water make them go to the toilet often.

My answer is — it is better to go to the toilet often than to get a stroke!

• Before/after exercise, drink 1 glass.

• Before/after meals, drink 1 glass.

• Before going to bed, drink 1 glass (preferably warm water).

• Waking up, drink 1 glass of warm water.

If we take enough water, it is not easy to get a stroke. It is a way to prevent from getting a stroke. May we all always be healthy until old age.

(Yes fully agree with the above saying.... Please share to everyone, especially your friends, relatives and family too.)


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