Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Vitamins and Minerals to stop excessive sweating

*Vitamins and Minerals to stop excessive sweating*

(Information source: 

https://duradry.com/blogs/hyperhidrosis/supplements-to-stop-sweating-5-best-natural-supplements-to-stop-excessive-sweating )

These natural
supplements work by boosting the immune system and improving blood circulation. They are also thought to improve moods and relieve stress levels, making them a great choice for people looking to stop excessive sweating. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements, as there are some that are not safe for people with certain medical conditions.

*B complex vitamins*

B vitamins are essential vitamins that play an important role in regulating the body's pH levels. When it comes to deficiency, B vitamins can lead to excessive sweating and skin problems. However, adequate intake of these nutrients is necessary for people who are doing lots of exercise or have a high workload. The recommended dosage is 55-80 micrograms per day for men and women respectively.

*Vitamin D*

Vitamin D is essential for regulating the body's temperature, keeping skin healthy and helping to absorb calcium. Most people are not getting enough Vitamin D from sunlight, so supplements can be a good choice. However, make sure you choose the right type of supplement - capsules, tablets or liquids - as each has its own benefits. If you sweat excessively, taking a supplement may help to regulate the amount of sweat production.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps to regulate blood sugar and prevent cramps. It also helps to reduce sweating, which can be a major problem for people who suffer from excessive perspiration. Supplementing with magnesium can help relieve stress and tension headaches, as well as fatigue. However, it should not be taken on an empty stomach - take with breakfast or dinner for the best results.


Calcium is a mineral essential for the body's well-being. It helps to regulate blood vessels and nerve impulses, and has been shown to improve skin health. To get the most out of calcium supplements, take them with meals in order to avoid adverse side effects. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking calcium supplements if you are taking any other medications.


Sage is a fantastic natural supplement that can help reduce the amount of sweat produced. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce the symptoms of excessive sweating. In addition, other ingredients such as ginger and garlic work synergistically with sage to provide better results. Oral supplements are the most efficient way of taking sage so make sure you consume them regularly for best results.

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