Thursday, August 8, 2024

Forum: Why people buy IPs? It’s a long wait to see a specialist otherwise

Forum: Why people buy IPs? It’s a long wait to see a specialist otherwise


I agree with the points made by Dr Quek Koh Choon (Improve effective access to medical investigations for all, July 30).

It’s not uncommon to wait up to six months to see a specialist in a public hospital when referred by a polyclinic or Chas clinic. The standard answer from the hospital is that if it is an emergency, you should immediately visit the A&E. But it is also a long wait at the A&E and often you end up being discharged on the same day with advice to wait for your appointed date to see the doctor.

Even then, there is another long wait for an MRI or scan if the specialist orders one, followed by more waiting time to see the specialist to review the MRI or scan results.

It doesn’t help if there is a pandemic outbreak which leads public hospitals to postpone elective surgery, something private hospitals don’t normally do.

 If you have an Integrated Shield Plan (IP), you can choose and book a specialist. My experience shows you will get an earlier appointment and faster testing and review to confirm a diagnosis.

Clearly, there is a difference between a subsidised and a non-subsidised patient treated in public hospitals. This is one of the many reasons why people buy IPs. 

To attract more to use only the MediShield Life insurance without IP coverage, the Ministry of Health should review and improve the waiting time for subsidised patients to see specialists.

Lee Tai Huat

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