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More will work from the office but hybrid is here to stay - say experts

Eat, play, live in 2025: More will work from the office, but hybrid is here to stay, say experts



Stephanie Yeo
Senior Correspondent 
The Straits Times 

SINGAPORE – 2025 marks five years since Covid-19 shattered entrenched beliefs about the nature of work.

When the pandemic swept in, it forced companies around the world to accelerate digitalisation at an unprecedented pace so their employees could work remotely some or all of the time.

Workers quickly learnt to treasure the benefits of remote and hybrid work, which allowed them to better balance corporate and personal commitments.

Headlines hailed hybrid as the default work mode in 2023, but by the end of 2024, the tables were turned as multinationals from e-commerce giant Amazon to tech company Dell recalled their white-collar staff back to the office five days a week.

Coffee chain Starbucks threatened to fire staff who did not work three days in the office, and some companies started tracking their employees’ location in various ways, such as when they scanned their passes.

In Singapore, employers are calling the shots even in a tight labour market.

About 61 per cent of the workforce is now working from the office, up 7 per cent year on year, according to Blackbox Research’s platform SensingSG. It polls 1,500 Singaporeans and permanent residents aged 18 and up every three months.

Yet, survey after survey indicates that Singapore workers want flexibility in their jobs, which covers not just telecommuting but also arrangements such as flexi-hours, compressed work weeks and part-time work.

Workplace experts say that despite the wave of return-to-work mandates, hybrid arrangements are here to stay.


“We are seeing a natural fluctuation as both employers and employees try to work out a middle ground between work arrangements between pre-pandemic times and during or immediately after the pandemic,” says Assistant Professor Ong Wei Jee from the Department of Management and Organisation at NUS Business School.

“The decline in hybrid work the past year is not unique to Singapore and reflects a broader trend where individuals and organisations are slowly coming to a more stable new normal.”

Associate Professor Trevor Yu from NTU’s Nanyang Business School believes that most companies here are not out to do away with work-from-home (WFH) or remote work arrangements.

“It will still be about trying to find the right balance between in-person and WFH days for which types of jobs and what types of teams,” he says.


Organisational sociologist Issac Lim points to the fact that the public service – the nation’s largest employer with about 153,000 officers – advocates for and practises flexible work arrangements (FWA).

“This has a significant impact on workplace practices locally,” says Dr Lim, founder of Anthro Insights, a social enterprise focused on driving development innovations.

It remains to be seen what impact the month-old Tripartite Guidelines On Flexible Work Arrangement Requests will have on employee satisfaction and turnover rates, but Prof Yu thinks they will help workers who may not have dared to ask for flexible options previously.

“Knowing that there is a formal guideline policy in place should give some reassurance that asking for and receiving FWAs is within each individual’s rights,” he says.

The guidelines aim to make it easier for workers to request such arrangements and help employers retain and attract talent, although bosses can veto such requests based on business considerations.


Prof Yu also sees more companies engaging their employees to understand their needs and designing customised flexible arrangements in terms of schedule, location and workload in 2025.

Market competition will result in better flexible options for workers over time, says Prof Ong.

“If workers increasingly choose companies because of FWA-related reasons, those companies with poor policies will have to improve to compete,” he says.

That is certainly the case with Gen Zers, born between 1997 and 2012, who will make up 27 per cent of the Asia-Pacific workforce in 2025.

As their number grows, so will their voice in the boardroom.

Seven out of 10 Gen Z workers say having hybrid options influences their decision to stay in their current jobs, according to an International Workplace Group (IWG) survey of 1,003 office workers aged 18 to 29 in July 2024. IWG owns serviced office brands such as Regus and Spaces.

Whatever their age, it is clear that the widespread success of hybrid work arrangements has “permanently altered” workers’ expectations, Dr Lim notes.

“While job seekers in Singapore are generally practical and understand when on-site presence is necessary, they’re also perceptive. When companies mandate full-time office attendance for roles that could be performed remotely, it reveals much about their organisational culture and management philosophy,” he says.

“Companies that resist this evolution risk two significant disadvantages. They’ll restrict themselves to a smaller talent pool and potentially sacrifice productivity gains. Moreover, those maintaining rigid workplace policies may find themselves losing their most capable employees to competitors who embrace more flexible arrangements.”








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CPF: *Why it pays to plan for retirement income of up to $3,300 from your CPF

*Why it pays to plan for retirement income of up to $3,300 from your CPF*



Tan Ooi Boon Invest Editor The Straits Times 

If you are looking for a useful New Year resolution, make retirement planning a priority so you can take advantage of a new and important change to CPF that kicked in on Jan 1, 2025.

Those turning 55 now have the option of doubling their retirement savings, from the mandatory full retirement sum of $213,000 to the new enhanced retirement sum (ERS) of $426,000 for CPF Life.

If you make such voluntary top-ups, you will receive higher monthly payouts of about $3,300 from age 65, almost double the $1,700 payout for those who choose not to do so.

The chance to have a higher fixed monthly income in retirement is also open to folk over 55 if they make top-ups to their CPF Retirement Accounts to hit the new ERS with either cash or funds already in their CPF account. 

People in this group can log into myCPF portal to check the estimated payout they could get with their top-ups as they will hit 65 earlier and so receive payouts sooner.

The new ERS is a major boost to our retirement planning effort because the higher payout of over $3,000 a month means many of us can now rely on our CPF alone to have a fairly comfortable retirement.

Estimates by banks such as OCBC show that people who can get more than $3,000 in retirement income a month may even be able to keep a mid-range car and enjoy short overseas holidays every year.

This aspiration is certainly achievable for couples who plan for the new ERS together because it means that they can receive two sets of payouts from the national annuity scheme, or over $6,000 a month.

Such an amount is not something to scoff at because it means that in just 10 years, or by age 75, a couple would have received over $720,000, and $1.44 million by age 85.

These sums are just payments from CPF Life alone, and do not include other income sources you may have, such as interest earned from the remaining CPF balances as well as your bank savings and other investments.

Younger Singaporeans should not baulk at the $426,000 needed for the ERS because this sum is achievable if they are diligent in contributing to their CPF accounts as they continue working over the next decade or two.

Even those hitting 55 who are short of this amount should not lose heart because retirement planning is not a competition and does not have a cut-off date.

So long as you are keen to tap the scheme to boost your retirement income, you can continue to make gradual top-ups to your Retirement Account even as you work.

If you aim to save more, you will still get higher payouts. For instance, those who can set aside $300,000 instead of $426,000 can receive about $2,400 a month, which is still a decent retirement income.

Here are three other important points that you should know about CPF Life.

Cash Protection for Future
Your savings in the CPF account are protected from even lawsuits and can act as your personal reserve that can provide stable income even if the global economy is in a tailspin.

The non-profit CPF Life scheme is backed by the Government, so its monthly payout will remain stable, unlike payouts from private schemes which can be affected by fund performance, management costs and interest rates.

So you should always aim to hit the maximum sum for CPF Life to reap its guaranteed returns first, before you invest in other private retirement products.

In the past three years alone, close to 1,000 people have sought help at the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre after they bought unsuitable financial products that resulted in losses.

It is fair to say that most of them were not aware of the benefits of CPF Life and so ended up buying private investment products which failed to deliver.

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Use CPF Life to pay for important retirement expenses

Why elderly parents had money woes after using $600k on their children

For instance, a retired senior executive told Invest recently that he bought an annuity of close to $2 million as he hoped to get monthly income of a few thousand dollars.

He had to pay $500,000 and borrowed about $1.5 million from the bank. While the scheme was viable when interest rates were low a few years ago, it fell apart when his borrowing costs shot up. So instead of receiving his retirement income, he ended up having to pay the bank tens of thousands for his loan.

Ironically, if he had used the $500,000 to top up the Retirement Accounts for himself and his wife, they could have received up to $5,000 a month for as long as they live, with no strings attached.

So do yourself a favour – before you sign up for a fresh financial product for your retirement, visit the CPF office to find out how its risk-free and cost-free scheme can benefit you more.

Your own retirement matters more

Some people refrain from saving more for CPF Life because they have the wrong idea that they will be short-changed and their savings will be “gone” if they die early.

If the national scheme does not make money from you when you are alive, it will certainly not take advantage of you when you are no longer around.

The CPF Board states on its website that if a member dies after receiving a certain amount of monthly payouts, any unpaid portion from his CPF Life scheme plus the remaining balance in other CPF accounts will be paid to his nominated beneficiaries.

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How to make the most of CPF after the Special Account closes

Use CPF Special Account to grow money faster before it closes

It is noble for parents to worry about their children but they should put equal emphasis on their own retirement needs too.

Recently an elderly divorced couple had to go to court to fight over $600 of monthly maintenance because both sides ended up cash-strapped in old age, after splurging over $600,000 on their kids’ education.

They would likely not end up this way if both of them had planned for decent monthly payouts from CPF Life.

You should view CPF Life as your own retirement scheme, and not a legacy scheme for your beneficiaries.

If you are keen to give more to your children, you will do them a bigger favour if you make regular top-ups to their Special Accounts even when they are kids. This will give them a chance of having a lot more money when it is their turn to reap the benefits of CPF Life.

Cash is king in retirement
There is a reason why financial advisers always tell their clients to diversify their investments because this could save you from being insolvent in a downturn.

By all means, if you have plenty of spare cash, you can focus on higher-risk investments, such as investing in some US stocks that have delivered impressive capital gains for their investors.

But it still pays to have a solid fixed income back-up, such as CPF Life, so that you will always have enough money in your old age, regardless of how your other investments fare.

Some people think it is better to use up all their CPF and cash savings to buy a second property so that they can rely on rental income in retirement. But this will not come cheap as there are mortgage payments, income and property taxes as well as maintenance costs to consider.

More importantly, could you bear these extra costs if you can’t find tenants?

Finally, we invest to live, and not live to invest. And if we have done adequate planning, our retirement should be fun, without having to worry about money because a decent deposit will just appear in our bank account every month.

Tan Ooi Boon is the Invest Editor of The Straits Times

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How to get monthly payouts of over $3.3k from newly enhanced CPF Life

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