Sunday, May 27, 2007

2007-05-27 Eating Diary

This blog was created on 27 may 2007.
It is under construction.

On the day of 27 May 2007, as at 2306 hours I have eaten the following:

Coffee 3 cups
Plain water 4 cups
Apple 2 pc s
Papaya 1 slice
Pineapple 1 small pc
Bakua about 200 g
Apple pie 1 pc
Small Dao-sa-bia 2 pcs
Preserved fruits snack about 50 g
Cup cake (cheese) 1 pc
Tea 1 cup
Sardine curry puff 2 pcs
Fried seafood beehoon 1 plate
Milo 1 cup
3 pcs of small Vietnam spring rolls

I have eaten too much for today.

Any exercise = None.

As at 2108 hr, my weight is 66.1 kg
Based on STI Health Calculators,
my daily caloric needs is 1766.25 calories

For healthy living, something needs to be done.

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