Thursday, July 5, 2007

2007-07-05 Eating Diary

Today is 5 July 2007, Thursday.

At 0600 hour, my weight = 60.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 21.955

60.5 kg is the lowest weight achieved since I started calorie restriction diet on 28.5.2007.

Based on my weight of 60.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1671.25 calories (Sedentary).

For today, the target calorie intake is 1650 kcal because of the buffet dinner hosted by Ah Tock.

As at 2359 hr today, food already taken:

(a) 5 cup(s) of plain water
(b) 2 x slice(s) of Gardenia high fibre white bread = 137 kcal
(c) 2 cups of Gold Roast low sugar 3-in-1 Coffee = 140 kcal
(d) 6 x Aji Ichiban isoyaki scallop from HK by Latte = about 150 kcal
(e) 2 x Chan pui ying che (Preserved plum seedless) from HK = about 50 kcal
(f) 16baba multi-grains +dry sweet poatato soup = about 300 kcal
(g) 100 g. pineapple (74 kcal/155g) = about 48 kcal
(h) 1 cup of Gold Kili Traditional black coffee (No fat) = 63 kcal
(i) Buffet dinner hosted by Ah Tock = about 900 kcal

Actual total calories intake = 1788 kcal

Today's Calorie Deficit as at this time = 1671.25 – 1688 = - 16.75 kcal

Calorie Deficit since 2007/05/28 = 18352 - 16.75 = 18335.25 kcal

Bowel movements = 2 x big

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