Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Healthy living: You are what you eat

The following is an online letter to the ST Forum of the Straits Times on 25-7-2007 by Tan Hock Ann .

By Tan Hock Ann

I WOULD like to share my opinion on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle.

It is not just eating at home which will make or break your health. It is what you eat.

As a general practice, it may be more healthy to include more vegetables (uncooked is the best choice) and less meat in our diet.

In Europe and also in Singapore, many informed people are turning to salads and avoiding overcooked meat and vegetables. Many are skipping that summer BBQ.

Having a salad with the right sauce is still the healthier choice. Couple that with regular exercise and you are on the way to a healthier old age.

I can imagine people changing oil for the cars (car-maintenance) more regularly than eating salads for their own good in Singapore.
Change now before that change is forced on you (doctor's report, et cetera).

Tan Hock Ann

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