Saturday, September 1, 2007

2007-09-01 Eating Diary

Today is 1 September 2007, Saturday

At 0550 hour, my weight = 58.4 kg (Camry) and BMI = 21.193

Based on my weight of 58.4 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1635 Kcalories (Sedentary).

For today, my target calorie intake is 1200 kcal.

For today, my target dietary fibre intake is at least 25.00 g.

For today, my target plain water intake is 2 litres.

As at 2345 hr today, dietary fibre (g.) and kcal of food already taken:

-- Actual plain water intake = 1.5 litres
--1 cup of Gold Roast low sugar 3-in-1 Coffee , 0.00 g, 70.00 kcal
--1 x 100 g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g), 2.60 g, 89.00 kcal
--100 g Apple with skin ( 52 kcal/100g., 2.4 g fibre/100g.), 2.40 g, 52.00 kcal
--120 g Orange (all varieties USDA per 100 g.), 2.88 g, 56.4 kcal
--1 mixed vegetable rice BRR mkt (3xveg = Cabbage+ spinach+CaiDou) , 2.00 g, 300 kcal
--100 g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g), 4.90 g, 100 kcal
--110 g. Kiwi Fruit (61 kcal/100g and fibre 3 g/100g), 3.30 g, 67.10 kcal
--1 cup of Gold Roast low sugar 3-in-1 Coffee , 0.00 g, 70.00 kcal
--2 x coffee black with Kow with a little sugar, 0.00 g, 60.00 kcal
--1 x Yong Dou fu soup with beehoon mee at Marina Sq Foodcourt, 1.00 g, 400.00 kcal
--100 g Apple with skin ( 52 kcal/100g., 2.4 g fibre/100g.), 2.40 g, 52.00 kcal

Actual total calories intake = 1316.50 kcal

Total Calorie Deficit so far today = 1635.00 - 1316.50 = 318.50kcal

Total dietary fibre taken so far today = 21.48 g

Fibre Target Less Fibre taken - = 25.00 – 21.48= 3.52 g

Exercise = None

Health Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 1 x Bioscience tablet (Ca 300 g., mg 133g., zinc 5 g.)
(f) 1 x TwinLab iron caps (18 mg) on even dates only with effect from 14 July 2007 to avoid overdose of iron supplement.

Bowel movement (1st ) = 1 x Medium to big (Not soft. Smooth exit. 4 pieces of 5-to-6-cm Banana-shape stools. Sunk to the bottom of the toilet bowl probably because of my very low oil diet. The stools did not loosen up. 1350 hour)

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