Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Benefits of drinking water

Water is not the life source without good reason.Without it our body's fine tuned engine runs less efficiently, & parts of it may even pack up working properly.

• Drink about 3-5 pints (about 2 litres) a day

• If you have 4-5% less than the recommended daily amount of water, it can affect your mental & physical performance by up to 20-30%.

• Water flushes out the toxins in our bodies, which if they accumulate can cause dehydration which in turn causes tension, aches, pains, & headaches.

• Water helps keep our joints well oiled, helping prevent joint disease such as arthritis in later life.

• Water helps our gut work more efficiently, helping prevent constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, & many other related diseases.

• Water hydrates your skin. Drinking enough water can combat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, wrinkles & spots.

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