Friday, October 12, 2007

2007-10-12 Eating Diary

Today is 12 October 2007, Friday

At 0540 hour, my weight = 57.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.866

Based on my weight of 57.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1620 Kcalories (Sedentary). ).

For today, the target calorie intake is 1200 kcal.

For today, the target dietary fibre intake is 25.00 g.

For today, my target plain water intake is 2 litres.

As at 2359 hr today, dietary fibre (g), kcal & protein (g) of food already taken,

--50g Quaker instant oatmeal (smooth & Creamy) per 100g., 5.00g, 183.70kcal, 7.60g
--90g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g), 2.34g, 80.10kcal, 0.00g
--1 serving (1/8) x Mixed grains + Sweet potato Ref: G07J09, 11.58g, 334.16kcal, 11.41g
--90g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.), 1.17g, 43.20kcal, 0.24g
--110g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g), 2.64g, 51.70kcal, 1.03g
--1 cup of milo (Beesun), 0.00g, 140.00kcal, 0.00g
--1 x nestcafe 3 in 1, 0.00g, 70.00kcal, 0.00g
--1 x yong tau foo bee hoon mee soup (Century Sq), 2.00g, 400.00kcal, 20.28g
--90g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.), 1.17g, 43.20kcal, 0.24g
--100g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g), 4.90g, 100.00kcal, 11.30g

Actual plain water taken = 1.2 itres

Actual total calories intake = 1466.06 kcal

Total Calorie Deficit so far today = 1620.00 – 1466.06 = 153.94 kcal

Total dietary fibre taken so far today = 30.80 g

Total protein taken so far today = 52.10 g

Health Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x multivitamin tablet (Not taken for 071004)
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 1 x Bioscience tablet (Ca 300 g., mg 133g., zinc 5 g.)
(f) 1 x TwinLab iron caps (18 mg) on even dates only with effect from 14 July 2007 to avoid overdose of iron supplement.
(g) 2 x “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU)

Exercise: NIL

Bowel movement No. 1 = 1 x Small (0745 hr, Smooth exit)
Bowel movement No. 2 = 1 x Big (0830 hr, Brown. A few shaped stools of different lengths. Slightly soft. Smooth exit)
Bowel movement No. 3 = 1 x Small to medium (1715 hr, BeeSun. Slightly soft. Smooth exit)

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