Sunday, November 4, 2007

2007-11-04 My Living Diary

Today is 4 November 2007, Sunday

At 0720 hour, my weight = 57.4 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.830

Based on my weight of 57.4 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1618.75 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2007-11-04: (A) 0200 hr to 0700 hr = 5 hours 0 minutes
2007-11-04: (B) 1340 hr to 1440 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes (Only half sleep)

Total Sleep for 071104 = 6 hours 0 minutes.

Statistics of the food and water taken

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) = 1618.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) = 1398.80
(C) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) = 219.95
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) = 1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) = 23.64
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) = 36.32
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) = 12.12
Bowel Movement : 1 x Medium to Big (0750 hr. Smooth exit. About 5 Banana-shaped stools. Not hard but rough Sunk. Brown).
Bowel Movement : 1 x Small to Medium (1430 hr. Smooth exit. Banana-shaped stools. Not hard. Sunk. Brown).

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