Monday, November 5, 2007

2007-11-05 My Living Diary

Today is 5 November 2007, Monday.

At 0600 hour, my weight = 57.7 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.939

Based on my weight of 57.7 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1623.75 Kcalories (Sedentary).

Statistics of the food and water taken

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) = 1623.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) = 1311.10
(C) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) = 321.65
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) = 1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) = 27.97
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) = 27.15
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) = 7.97

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2007-11-05: (A) 0100 hr to 0520 hr = 4 hours 20 minutes
2007-11-05: (B) 1345 hr to 1530 hr = 1 hours 45 minutes

Total Sleep for 071105 = 6 hours 5 minutes.

Exercise: NIL

Bowel Movement: NIL

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