Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Daily Healthy Living KPI Version 3 ( Ref: H08B21)

Note: KPI = Key Performance Indicators

>> Have daily plan and execute it. (New addition for Version 3)

>> Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.

>> Go to bed by midnight.

>> Optimal Blood Pressure after waking up in the morning: SYSTOIC less than 120 mmHg, DIASTOLIC less than 80 mmHg

>> My BMI should be within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

>> Drinking Water: 1.5 Litres daily

>> Maximum two cups of coffee a day

>> Physical Exercise 50 minutes a day (including 10 min warm up and 10 min cool down)

>> Mental exercise: 3 hours a day

>> TV time: = Maximum 1 hour a day

>> Bowel Movements: At least one medium-size or two small-sizes daily. Banana-shaped. Brown.

>> Non-work related computer or internet time = Maximum1 hour daily

>> Reading Newspapers should be less than 1 hour a day (New addition for Version 3)

>> Reading a book 1 hour a day (New addition for Version 3)

>> Have daily KPI Achievement Report (New addition for Version 3)

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