Sunday, March 16, 2008

Recipe of Mixed grains Ref: H08C15

Recipe of Mixed grains Ref: H08C15

This is a 1-High -4-Low Recipe, .i.e. High Fibre, Low Protein, Low Fat, Low Salt and Low Sugar Recipe for good health.

100g brown rice
300g Yam (i.e. taro)
20g yellow corn dried
20g Buckwheat
20g Barley Pearl
20g Yellow Millet (Chinese)
20g Mung Beans
20g Organic Quinoa
20g Black Sesame Powder

Cooked with Slow cooker.
Added water 1 litre
Cooked for about 6 hours just leaving the cooker alone

Total = 3 serves

Key information of each serve

Energy = 432.46 kcal
9.59 g of dietary fibre,
10.98 g of protein
4.53 g of fat

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