Sunday, July 6, 2008

Live Blood Analysis (Microscopic Blood Analysis)

Live Blood Analysis is the process of using a microscope to evaluate shape and the properties of individual blood cells.

Using this process, properly trained health professionals have been able to observe some startling nutritional disorders.

These disorders include some conditions that cannot easily be found by using the traditional methods of blood analysis.

By observing various conditions in a sample of blood, the health professional is able to customize a nutritional program specifically geared for the individual needs of the patient.

This method was designed as a screening test to take the guess work out of selecting the appropriate nutritional program for the individual client.

The advantage of the blood microscopy analysis is that many nutritional disorders can be detected before standard blood tests can detect any chemical changes.

Generally then, treatment can be more successful because these problems are discovered when they are still in their infant stages.

This would be considered true preventive care nutrition.


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