Sunday, July 6, 2008

What are enzymes, antioxidants and free radicals?

What is an enzyme?

Enzymes are energized protein molecules, which have been termed the "life force" of body chemistry. They regulate every biochemical reaction within the human body, including energy production, metabolism, respiration, nerve function, reproduction, immunity and digestion. Simply put, without enzymes, life would not exist. Individuals who are enzyme deficient are more subject to disease and degeneration.

What is a free radical?

A free radical is an extremely active molecule, such as super oxide hydroxide or peroxide, that will cause rapid oxidation of tissues and especially fats. This results in excess rancidity, tissue damage and premature aging if not controlled. Free radicals are known to cause over 60 major diseases because they damage the cell lining, making it easier for disease to set in. While free radicals are necessary in the body, especially to the immune system, it is extremely important that they be controlled by antioxidants.

What is an antioxidant?

An antioxidant is a specific vitamin, enzyme or accessory food factor that has the ability to scavenge free radicals and render them harmless to the body. The body has the ability to make antioxidants if given the right nutrition, especially antioxidant enzymes which are sometimes very hard to get from food.


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