Monday, February 23, 2009

10 ways to stay Healthy

(1) Have a healthy diet. As the saying goes, you are what you eat.
(2) Exercise regularly.
(3) Drinks 1.5 to 2 liters plain water daily.
(4) Take at least three different fruits and vegetables daily.
(5) Take at least one multi-grain meal daily.
(6) Take multivitamins daily.
(7) Everyday spend at least one hour on your hobby or on doing something to relax.
(8) Have at least 7 to eight hours of sleep daily.
(9) Do not smoke and do not drink alcohol.
(10) Enjoy whatever you do.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with #1 is that most people think they eat a healthy diet but they really don't have a clue. I see this all the time. They stuff themselves with packaged and processed food thinking that just because it is low in fat and salt, it is healthy. They think having a salad with their Big Mac and Coke makes it a healthy meal. Until people start educating themselves and search for the truth regarding the food they eat, they don't even have a chance at becoming truly healthy.
