Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to reduce the risks of Stomach Cancer by changing your diet, if possible by adopting a vegetarian or primarily plant-based diet

(1) Diet. A diet high in foods preserved by smoking, salting or pickling increases your risk of stomach cancer. So do foods that contain nitrites and nitrates, such as bacon, ham and processed meats. Eating large amounts of red meat — particularly if it's barbecued or well-done — also increases your risk. On the other hand, consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those that are red or deep yellow, such as tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes, helps protect against stomach cancer.

Information Source:

(2) Diet. A diet high in foods preserved by smoking, salting or pickling increases your risk of stomach cancer. So do foods that contain nitrites and nitrates, such as bacon, ham and processed meats. Eating large amounts of red meat — particularly if it's barbecued or well-done — also increases your risk. On the other hand, consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those that are red or deep yellow, such as tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes, helps protect against stomach cancer.

Information Source:

(3) Diet: Studies suggest that people who eat a diet high in foods that are smoked, salted, or pickled may be at increased risk for stomach cancer. On the other hand, eating fresh fruits and vegetables may protect against this disease.

Information Source:

My suggestion:
Have a High Fiber, Low Protein, Low Fat, Low Salt and Low Sugar Vegetarian or primarily Plant-based diet daily. Take a lot of raw fruits or vegetables.

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